Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

crisis can make disease

In era stepped down soeharto and his cronies, precise in 1998 crisis economic engulf ASEAN, for instance thailand , malaysia, and infected to Indonesia. When crisis came , ambience of nation was vicorious, why was it overtly terrific?, because crisis economic weren't one of crisis engulf Indonesia, but more crisisis engulf Indonesia, such as crisis on parlement, when student rallied for overturn soeharto as a president of Indonesia , desire reform from administation policy,and upheld democracy. he acceded his position overtly longest over 32 years, so strange, out of ordinance, and when soeharto acceded as president his abuse from his power, his neglect human right view. in addition, had soeharto stepped down Indonesia out from crisis? in my view Indonesia didnt free from crisis either economic or politic crisisis. first, the economic Indonesia doesnt have to significant proliferate, we keep poor country although we have many sources naturally. second, politic situation. politic situation are unsafety and terrific, many parties make effort for stepped down theirs rival, likely gibe his parties although excplit the statement theirs express.
Nowadayas after story from scary era, many student who was rallied for stepped down him had killed by Security state. the revolusion for upheld democrasy fed casualties, many student who killed or many tears had fallen, many peoples died, did democrasy eventually so expensive, even want sacrife from ourshelves? if motherland can say, the student can open democracy but it wasn't effected by others people. well in era we are democracy country, but democracy out of rule, example many journalist free for publish their news about government, but thiers dont rethink code of etiquette journalist, the truth of theirs news are scrapping.In my view democracy are administration regulation which dont scrap of rule.
it is a sign for indonesia, although we able to exempt crisis economic but we still stay about crisis moral and crisis politi,. many peoples is unpolite and respect each others, each party is overturn others party. in this period many diseases to ours nation, the terrific disease is corruption who make peoples get money form others right which it isn't right from theirs. corruption is one of disease include politic crisis and moral crisis. therefore crisis can make disease, the disease who can't heal.

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