Senin, 21 Januari 2008



India live in her villages

( Mahatmah said )

India as well knows was subjugation of British , India can exempt from British subjugation post1947, Long ago country in the world know that India were poor country,inqualify for production something, in era Jawaharal Nehru India life in down class, because India so poor, subsistence of India was improper of average minimum wages. Jawarharal Nehru as prime minister on 15 august 1947 postwar and get Independence days from British, as well knows Jawaharal Nehru was person eminent of India Counry he was one of pionner for construct ASEAN organization. Indeed, he not only forerunner ASEAN organization, but also he so outstanding, such as Soekarno and Soeharto, Jawaharal Nehru had special policy of India he was Issues policy for stress economic policy, he was consider situation of India where India live in cringe live after free from British ambience of India unstabilize, economic undercontrol, citizen live to semiliterate class. For exhort economic jawaharal put style semisocialist, where he invite investment for his nation to restore economic and become industrial country.

In India have 2 oustanding person, they were jawaharal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma gandi is a reformist person who struggle for India Independence country. Jawaharal Nehru was a leader issues policy in industrial field, but Mahatma Gandi was chairman took policied in agriculture field. He reject for policy in industrial field, because industrial field was policied separate each other, it means each caste can reach of advantageous about Industrial, Mahatmah gandi said “ India live in her villages”, so we might concerned in agriculture sector. If we put agriculture sector each person can attain of its benefit. In view of International country the policy of Mahatma Gandhi was chimerad, International country said “ Industrial or perish” Mahatmah rebuffed “ Industrial and perish”, The statement which overtly bright as a chairman.

Nowadays India become four biggest economic giant and take position fourth rank after USA (one position ), China ( second position ), Japan (third position). India scurry for forget theirs Utopia in last era, where theirs as poor country. So what receipt of success story of India? In Book INDIA’ CENTURY who wrote by Kamal Nath have illustrate about recipe success of India, the receipt are India stress development country in still economic sector but utilize technology . Kamal Nath said “ the point of development yours country is starting point, either investment or policy change” if u start for wrong step your country will be further out from yours plan. Ersthwhile we know India concern about use technology, and constantly about his policy. In addition, India always recycling of junk tools, In Indonesia country if a obsolete tools please throw to dustbin, but they have use, reuse, and recycle it. As we knows India have a spirit never give up, every young people in India always have spirit for workacholic, they have synergy, risk taking ability, and changeable for mainstream. Because their things if u want to get success, you should restore yours mainstream. Well albeit India is poor country, India have qualify idea, the poor country which have spirit in life. Wish Indonesia have spirit seem India, Indonesia will be great country and will be post on fifth rank.

Therefore it one of sample about poor country but have spirit don’t yield, or don’t rancor westhern culture. The westhern culture should mingle of ours country culture, get of quintessence about ours culture, without avoid westhern culure. absolutely Mahatma Gandhi said “ India live in her villages”, India have self confident and doesn’t have meddle International country, India can get success due to outcome for theirs self confident,. India doesn’t has others country, nevertheless others country as a media for theirs stepladder aspire. One sentencess for Indiasuccess forward”, hopely Indonesia can emulate India.

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2008

Blessing or Cursing

Bless or Curse

one weeks ago had news about soeharto’s ill, and its become highlight into mass media such as tv , newspaper or magazine hurry for make soeharto ill into headline news, what’s going on? Does illness should tell to public for consume?, does he former for eternal president who accede of president along 32 years and get charge for some accuse his doing on his age?. some words which so interest about hold this topic, ailing was common circle life for everybody, noone can able to avoid for usual circle life such as health, life, and sick, its secretivity to god. Albeit soeharto was former president , become outstanding in Indonesia, his sick not for show on mass media, but though his for get treatment. If journalist come for record his sick, theirs brought viruses for his ill, his not only better but also got low condition. He got sick as symbol for bless or curse, furthermore bless for journalist who took money to inform his condition to public, nevertheless curse for his condition, who he get worst situation where he cant enjoy his old era, because his a former president, albeit his former president but on his old life like a normally mankind he must enjoy his old life.

In addition, if soeharto who wasn’t eminent in Indonesia, he wasn’t got information include his activity daily, if soeharto just scavenger, he would throw to incinerator. Although he famous person but his only normally human, create for god to got better life, recently he only grandfather who have many grandchildren , who have white hairs, who had shrunk skin. He just want his life get good, he can enjoy his life. Of course his just normally human, but his fameous person, and its consequence for his to get some news everyday include his activity, his life for spouse, and his family life. Its overtly ironic life he cant able for get hilarious in his life. He took record for news in his life started on 1998- 1998s onward he informing tumultuous from journalist, because on 1998s he had stepped down from student for need reform, outstanding for point reform comprise: electoral reform, decentralization government, expose press freedom.

On his dethrone, press freedom was emanate on surface, like ulcer who grow into face,develop big ulcer, and spew to surface. Why he can easy had informing him? Because press freedom was emerge, before he had clout, mass media cant informing him, here were recorded for his news; Firstly, he was related about his wife die, secondly, he had overturn by student, and thirdly, he had charge for his breach power, comprise his nepotism for his collegue , and accuse to corrupt. on this era his status of charge on court was vague, and become polemic. Does for Indonesia its bless or curse for relate his life?everybody focus on his life, should we avoid his life, and concern for repair ours nation condition which so tragic, we lag from others south east contry which can develop aftermath crisis in 1998-2000. the life previous soeharto era and subsequent his era weren’t given resolusion for this country, misuse of power keep save, infringe for human right still continue, hint for munirs perish. Although democracy was exalt on this era, but It isn’t inffective, who have disparity status for economic condition. Quoted by my lecture said’ remember democracy wasn’t panacea policy, where anyone feel hungry’. Ironic and tragic, Indonesia as a country who have plentiful natural resources, get poor condition. Once I would said we should raise from soeharto era’s, and shouldn’t concern on soeharto cases, Indonesia I want you flag display on position biggest country in the world. It wasn’t curse but bless!

Rabu, 16 Januari 2008

crisis can make disease

In era stepped down soeharto and his cronies, precise in 1998 crisis economic engulf ASEAN, for instance thailand , malaysia, and infected to Indonesia. When crisis came , ambience of nation was vicorious, why was it overtly terrific?, because crisis economic weren't one of crisis engulf Indonesia, but more crisisis engulf Indonesia, such as crisis on parlement, when student rallied for overturn soeharto as a president of Indonesia , desire reform from administation policy,and upheld democracy. he acceded his position overtly longest over 32 years, so strange, out of ordinance, and when soeharto acceded as president his abuse from his power, his neglect human right view. in addition, had soeharto stepped down Indonesia out from crisis? in my view Indonesia didnt free from crisis either economic or politic crisisis. first, the economic Indonesia doesnt have to significant proliferate, we keep poor country although we have many sources naturally. second, politic situation. politic situation are unsafety and terrific, many parties make effort for stepped down theirs rival, likely gibe his parties although excplit the statement theirs express.
Nowadayas after story from scary era, many student who was rallied for stepped down him had killed by Security state. the revolusion for upheld democrasy fed casualties, many student who killed or many tears had fallen, many peoples died, did democrasy eventually so expensive, even want sacrife from ourshelves? if motherland can say, the student can open democracy but it wasn't effected by others people. well in era we are democracy country, but democracy out of rule, example many journalist free for publish their news about government, but thiers dont rethink code of etiquette journalist, the truth of theirs news are scrapping.In my view democracy are administration regulation which dont scrap of rule.
it is a sign for indonesia, although we able to exempt crisis economic but we still stay about crisis moral and crisis politi,. many peoples is unpolite and respect each others, each party is overturn others party. in this period many diseases to ours nation, the terrific disease is corruption who make peoples get money form others right which it isn't right from theirs. corruption is one of disease include politic crisis and moral crisis. therefore crisis can make disease, the disease who can't heal.